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Every Diablo 2 Feature That Returned in Diablo 4

  • Every Diablo 2 Feature That Returned in Diablo 4

    Paragon System

    One popular feature introduced in Diablo 3 was the Paragon system that comprised much of Diablo 4 Items the endgame build progression. This system let players earn a point for each level they reach beyond level 60 that could be spent to increase a stat under one of four categories: Core Stats, Offensive, Defensive, and Utility, with no cap on Paragon levels. Diablo 4's version of the Paragon system introduces Paragon Boards where players earn points once they reach level 50 that can be spent to unlock adjacent tiles with various stat-increasing effects, maxing out at 220 total Paragon points.


    Another important customization feature introduced in the Reaper of Souls expansion for Diablo 3 was the transmog system that allowed players to change the appearance of their gear while maintaining its stats. Players could dye their gear or even give it a legendary appearance for a price by talking to the Mystic Artisan. The transmog feature returns in Diablo 4, but is overhauled to allow players to salvage unwanted items by visiting the Blacksmith, which then unlocks the ability to change the appearance of a piece of equipment to match that salvaged item by visiting a wardrobe.

    Simplified Item Storage

    In the name of inventory management simplification, Diablo 3 overhauled the item storage system from Diablo 2 to make it much more user-friendly. Rather than having players organize their inventory based on a grid system with different items taking up different amounts of space, Diablo 3 changed all items to be the same size within the inventory and allowed some items like gems to be stacked in high quantities. Diablo 4's inventory UI may be reminiscent of Diablo 2's, but it maintains the same one-size-fits-all approach to items as Diablo 3 in order to streamline item acquisition.

    Legendary Items

    Legendary quality items debuted in Diablo 3 as a replacement for Diablo 2's uniques, to the disdain of many treasure hunters. However, Diablo 4 offers the best of both worlds as both Diablo 3's legendary items and Diablo 2's unique items are now both present in the game. While legendary is no longer the rarest quality like it was in Diablo 3, it's still great to see legendaries return to Diablo 4 in some capacity.

    Always Online Requirement

    Not all returning features from Diablo 3 are positive gains for Diablo 4 as is demonstrated by the return of Diablo 3's controversial always online requirement. One element maligned by Diablo 3 players was the need to constantly be connected to the game's servers in order to play, even while playing solo. Diablo 4 repeats this mistake, which has already caused problems for players during server outages.

    A Diablo 4 player just dealt over 35 undecillion damage in a single hit with a Barbarian. This truly absurd amount of damage was achieved using a specific Diablo 4 build under unique and unconventional circumstances.

    Rob2628 is a well-known Diablo 4 content creator who focuses on endgame content. He discovers and reports on tons of meta strategies, including players' recent successes in killing the hardest boss in Diablo 4 in record times.

    Diablo 4 Player Demolishes Uber Lilith With Sorcerer Blizzard Build

    Now, Rob2628 has found a build that deals an unfathomable amount of damage. Using a combination of Barbarian Rend bleeding and stuns in Diablo 4, Rob2628 was able to deal 35 undecillion damage with a critical hit. To put that into perspective, undecillion has 36 zeroes after it; the number is so big that it would normally be written out using exponents. Diablo 4 fan kdsweets shared a screenshot of this massive number on Reddit for fans to appreciate.

    This feat was accomplished using a very specific set of circumstances players could never hope to achieve in normal play. Rob2628 shared a video diving into the specifics. In order to deal this much damage, he had to engage a special developer enemy that can never drop below 1 hit point. He then used the Aspect of Berserk Ripping to stack bleed damage while Berserking, and combined it with the Skullbreaker's Aspect, which deals damage based on their total bleeding damage when stunning an enemy. The combination of these Barbarian Legendary Aspects in Diablo 4 with Rob2628's build meant every time the enemy was stunned, his damage quadrupled, where he could continue to do so ad infinitum.

    Though there is no doubt this Diablo 4 Barbarian build is definitely effective, these numbers are not feasible to replicate in a normal setting. Even the most powerful monsters would normally die well before their damage ramped up to the undecillions, and players have uncovered similarly broken builds for just about every class in Diablo 4. Even so, it wouldn't be a shock if Diablo 4 decided to nerf aspects of this build to avoid problems in the future.

    Even so, Rob2628's fellow Diablo 4 fans were in awe of his insane damage potential. Many were surprised the game could actually process that much damage without crashing, while others didn't even realize undecillion was a word. Either way, fans always appreciate efforts to discover broken combos and hilarious circumstances in the game, and though many of these Diablo 4 exploits may go on to be changed, the memories they create live forever.

    Despite a relatively stable launch and a solid plan for the future, Diablo 4 isn't a perfect game by any means, as several players have raised complaints about the game's poor execution of Diablo 4 materials explaining the myriad of buffs. As the latest entry in the long-running franchise, Diablo 4 doesn't stray too far away from the roots, focusing on delivering a strong narrative and an ever-increasing power scale to encourage players to push into more challenging content. While the game has gotten many things right from launch, there have been a few missteps here and there.