In the enchanting realm of TL Lucent, where magic intertwines with might, adventurers often seek unique and powerful builds to enhance their combat prowess. One such dynamic build that captivates newcomers and veterans alike is the Greatsword Wand Build. In this comprehensive beginner's guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of this formidable combination, exploring the synergy between the greatsword and wand to create a versatile and impactful playstyle. Join us on a journey through the foundations, tactics, and optimizations that define the Greatsword Wand Build in Throne and Liberty.
Greatsword skills should include powerful slashes and area-of-effect (AoE) attacks, while wand skills can focus on ranged projectiles and crowd control.
Approach enemies with the greatsword for melee engagement.
Use impactful greatsword skills to initiate combat and close the distance between you and your foes.
Execute melee combos with the greatsword, chaining together regular attacks and powerful skills.
Time your greatsword skills to maximize damage output and control the flow of battle.
When facing ranged enemies or situations that require distance, switch to the wand.
Utilize wand skills for precise and ranged magical attacks, targeting enemies from a safe distance.
Leverage wand skills with crowd control effects to manage groups of enemies.
AoE spells or abilities that inflict debuffs can disrupt enemy formations and provide strategic advantages.
The Greatsword Wand Build offers versatile defensive options.
Use the greatsword for parrying and blocking in melee encounters, and the wand for kiting and avoiding attacks from a distance.
Equip gear that enhances both melee and magical aspects of the build.
Look for items that provide bonuses to strength, intelligence, critical hit chance, and overall combat performance.
Utilize dual-slot enchantments on the greatsword and wand for synergistic bonuses.
Enchantments that throne and liberty lucent buy enhance both weapons simultaneously contribute to the overall effectiveness of the build.